Austrian Cup and Styrian Championchip in Ski Orienteering
14-15. december 2024.
Styrian Orienteering Federation (STOLV)
Event center
JUFA Hotel Eisenerzer Ramsau
Ramsau 1, 8790 Eisenerz
GPS: 47.513693, 14.847124
Organizing Comittee
Event direktor: Wolfgang Neuhold
Course setters: Wolfgang Waldhausl
Controller: Helmut Lerchegger
Saturday, 14. december 1. Austrian Cup sprint
first start: 13:00
Sunday, 15. december 2. Austria Cup and Styrian championship middle distance
first start: 11:00
Terrain: The valley of Eisenerzer Ramsau.
Map: SkiO Map (1: 5 000), Stand: 2024. Pretex
Categories: D/H (W/M) 21E, 21Kurz, 14, 15-17, 18-20, 35, 45, 55, 65 H75,
Offen (Adwanced), Neulinge (Beginners), Family
Entry deadline: Wensday, 11. december 2025.
Entry fees till deadline:
- D/H 17, Beginners, Family: EUR 10,-/day
- Other Categories: EUR 20,-/day
After deadline entry fees will be 1,5 more.
Bankkonto: Styrian Orienteering Federation: IBAN: AT32 3820 6000 0010 4471
- Orienteering online
1 day:
2. day: - E-mail:
- Pls by entry send the next datas: Name, Club, Categorie for day 1. and day 2., SI-Number - if you have one.
SportIdent-System with SI-Air will be used. Please state your SI-number when entering for the competition. Chips can be rented in the competition center for 2 EUR/day.
Accomodation: JUFA Hotel for group prise, pls send SkiO by booking!
Further information
- All started runners have to report back in the finish, even if they have given up.
- Any commercial activities during the competition are subject to permission of the organizers.
- Each participant starts at their own risk!
- Each participant agrees to the publication of photos taken during the competition and to the publication of the results in the Internet.
Our partners
Energie Steiermark, Gemeinde Eisenerz, JUFA Hotels, ÖFOL